The Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) released their findings based on reviews of approaches by firms to fair value assessments under the new Consumer Duty which will be enforced on 31 July 2023
Read more >Even though there are several exciting projects on the go for Lysis, there are two projects we would like to highlight to illustrate our unique range of expertise.
Lysis can rapidly scale and meet training requirements
Lysis was approached to put together a team of experienced trainers, over a short period of time, to provide face-to-face and online anti-money-laundering (AML) and sanctions screening training, covering individuals and legal entities, to a third-party in London.
Experience has shown that employees often find themselves ‘pigeon-holed’ in their positions and not necessarily trained in wider areas of AML. As financial crime (FC) compliance experts, Lysis has the required capacity to rapidly scale and select the right combination of trainers, in line with specific client requirements, to fill the gaps and broaden the knowledgebase of identified analysts. These trainers have a combination of practical and training experience spanning 10 to 20 years per trainer.
The difference
To develop FC analysts, to reach their full potential, has always been a passion of the Lysis Group. This probably stems from our extensive journey where we developed and certified more than 2000 FC analysts on a global scale. In fact, we can proudly state that we have trained FC analysts that are employed by some of the most influential global financial institutions. We have the unique capabilities, and world-class training material, to enhance the existing skillsets of FC analysts in a client environment, and to develop promising analysts to reach their full potential.
One of the reasons why Lysis is often approached by clients to assist them with training, could be due to our outcome-based approach to training with a strong focus on practical applications. This includes the analysing and interpretation of real-life case studies to ensure that analysts can make a valuable and cost-effective contribution to firms from the start.
From an in-house perspective, all Lysis FC analysts are on a consistent career path, where we develop their FC skills, conduct regular quality assurances, and certify them according to their different levels of skills, as their developmental journey matures – we do this on a global scale to ensure optimal standardisation and to add value to client businesses and business as usual (BAU) processes or projects from the start. We also ensure the standards are maintained which drives significant savings and help firms to meet the regulatory commitments and obligations consistently.
Streamlined client on-boarding processes
Lysis realised that several existing and potential clients experience similar challenges when it comes to streamlining client on-boarding processes and improving on-boarding experiences. Therefore, Lysis created a workshop that focussed specifically on how to improve the client on-boarding journey.
One Ireland-based, listed firm in particular, that offers global sports betting and entertainment, was looking for expert advice on how to streamline their client on-boarding process by reducing friction points, especially when focussing on the sources of income from potential high-net worth clients.
With our extensive range of specialised expertise, Lysis was able to assist the client by explaining the benefits of open banking in a workshop and how this can complement their on-boarding process because open banking can help reduce paperwork and friction by offering a faster, more automated customer experience.
Lysis further shared the latest advances in artificial intelligence (AI) as a way to streamline the firm’s on-boarding process since automation improves the integration of data and results in more effective KYC processes and enhances AML compliance and the management of risk. Lysis also highlighted the latest advances in digital identity verification to further refine the firm’s clients’ on-boarding experiences.
A good fit
Although Lysis has the expertise and unique service offerings to assist a wide range of firms, this particular firm presented no obvious system, resource or compliance weaknesses or shortcomings because of their in-house expertise and knowledge. However, to partner with financial crime compliance experts that offer specialised expertise and are at the forefront of new technological and regulatory developments, on a global scale, can unlock substantial business value for firms.
Especially, when considering that new gambling legislation and a new national regulator will be introduced in Ireland, very shortly. The new bill will establish the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland and have the power to issue and revoke gambling licenses and will have the authority to enforce anti-money laundering/counter-terrorist financing procedures.
First impressions count
A firm’s on-boarding process is one of the most important processes because it almost serves as an introduction to the firm and the way in which they will be engaging with their clients. This can either leave a positive or very negative impression on clients which is why all touchpoints of the Client Lifecycle Management (CLM) process must be thought through and tailored to client preferences.
The CLM processes can be used to identify opportunities for growing revenue, boosting operating efficiencies, and enforcing compliance throughout the client lifecycle.
Therefore, Lysis has the necessary skills and experience to assist firms to compile, review and optimise financial crime (FC) controls across the entire CLM process since we focus on the overall chain of client activities. This will encourage retention, improve customer experiences, and maximise profitability for firms while remaining fully compliant.
From prospecting to on-boarding, to account management to servicing, and finally to re-engagement, an optimised CLM process creates a comprehensive and accurate 360-degree client lifecycle view that captures every data point of your client’s journey and analyses the data to generate insight into client-preferences and enables proportionate FC controls to be implemented.
The Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) released their findings based on reviews of approaches by firms to fair value assessments under the new Consumer Duty which will be enforced on 31 July 2023
Read more >The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) indicated that the Financial Services and Markets(Amended) Bill (FSM(A)B had been passed by parliament.
Read more >Last week, the G7 counties announced new sanctions against Russia at the G7-Summit which took place in Japan.
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